Sunday, October 27, 2013


Yipppeee, pink, pink, PINK... We are having a precious little girl! My heart jumps with joy, my excitement can't be contained. Erik is already completely melting at the talk of his little girl :D We are so blessed and so thankful for our wonderful little GIRL :D

This post has been a long time coming, we found out 2 weeks ago and since finding out that baby caines is a girl we have gotten a jump on prepping for her arrival. To get this fun news out there a very rare thing is happening I am up and semi awake after 9pm, crazy, I know!! Once I found out we are having a girl, this whole baby/ becoming a family became more real to me. The arrival of our little girl has me thinking of what kind of mom I want to be... more thoughts on this to come but since I am pretty delirious at the moment I will let others speak for me :-)

May we raise a women of dignity and strength with lots of help from the Lord and our wonderful community of friends and family!!

Thank you for the love you have already and continue to show our little girl even before she is here!! You are a blessing to us!!


Mama + Baby Girl