Friday, November 29, 2013

Week 26

Roundin out the second trimester, goodness gracious!! Cant believe it!!

Ok so lets see, trying to capture the day to day events is getting more difficult, like where does the time go?! Definitely in full swing mode getting ready for her and also enjoying such a wonderful time of year with the holidays, family, friends, and great times spent together :D

A couple of weeks ago at week 24, we had our 5th doctor appointment. Definitely less exciting than the past, no glamor shot to share! We did get to hear her heartbeat, a sound I will never tire of :) And it was a great time to just checkin with the doctor and chat with him about whats to come. He says everything looks good, which is always an answer to all of our prayers! God is so faithful.

We have started our labor/birthing/ parenting classes.. I forgot how much I LOVE school, I love the note taking, the structure, the power point handouts, the forms to fill out.. LOVE LOVE LOVE it :D Even though Erik and I went to college together the only class we ever took together was social dance, we should have a mean fox trot but dropped out half way through, LOL! So, it was quite interesting being in a "real" class with him.. I always wondered how he never had notebooks for classes?? We are very different in our approach to learning, it makes me laugh.. I have to stand up for his methods of madness though.. Erik has always gotten great grades.. He is just a little more relaxed about the whole process and I am, well... NOT ;) hehehe.. I left class wondering if Baby Caines will be a front row girl like her mama or a little more "chill" and middle to back row like her daddy!!

Mommy style

Daddy style

And yes, I fully understand that Erik will be the fun parent, and am reminded by my lovingly honest friends of this all the time.. hehhe ;) BUT I will just be "fun" in a different way.. like in a lets play school and do flash cards kind of way, LOL!!

And I know a few of you out there were very worried about Harvest Day, this being the 2nd Annual year for our beloved fake-holiday ;) Harvest Day did in fact happen!! It just looked very different this year, less crafting and baking and more us realizing we only have so much time to have special date nights with minimal planning.. So for Harvest day we dressed up (my version, aka not sweats) went to one of our favorite restaurants in Pasadena and saw Thor.. it was pure awesomeness!! And next year when Baby Caines is here for Harvest Day we plan on keepin it a little more traditional with the pumpkins and baking at home :D

Yesterday was Thanksgiving!! I hope you all had a great day remembering all that we have been so graciously given. I am continually humbled this year by Gods grace and His outpour of blessings. His greatest reminders of love have come through many of you. I thank Him often for each of you!!

Have a great weekend!

With Love,


Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Doctor Appointment #4

Ok, sooo mama is falling a little behind, but I guess I should get used to it..I have heard something about how the baby won't want to cooperate with my scheduled and task-orientated life, HOW RUDE! ;-)

But I have loved documenting each doctor's visit because it helps me to remember each precious month and also share with each of you :) So our forth doctors appointment was 3 weeks ago when I was at 20 weeks...

It was such a special appointment, this was the day we found out we were having a baby GIRL! We will both remember this moment forever, the joy we felt, the moment we could picture our family with a beautiful little princess, our specific hopes and dreams for her began to form in this moment.

She also looked so much more like a baby, her sweet face, her round tummy, her long legs, and precious fingers and toes... our miracle, our love

I am now at 23 weeks and have my next doctors appointment next week, the months are FLYING by... and yet I just wanna meet her already!! But am very happy she is taking her time to cook in there :D

Lets take a look at what she has been up to...
  • She is now the size of a spaghetti squash!! Almost a full 12 inches and just over one pound!! You GO GIRL!!
  • Her ears are in final position
  • Myelin is forming around her nerves.. a process that will continue for a year after she is born 
  • Brain has now designated specialized areas for taste, smell, hearing, vision, and touch
  • She is practicing her swallowing
  • She has eyebrows, eyelids, and tooth buds!!
  • Her ear are fully delevoped, she can hear everything you and I would hear.. its just a little muffled for her being in my belly :D
That brings us to her last new development: KICK mommy!!! She is kicking up a storm, making my whole belly jump!! But she is very particular about when she will kick :-) All day I will feel little flutters.. until she hears Erik's voice then she really gets going!!! It is the most precious thing EVER.. Yesterday she was being rather tame, and I didn't feel her that much. Then we are lying in bed and Erik started talk to her and WHOA!! she was kicking like CRAZY.. hehhe She loves her daddy!! Then she wouldn't stop kicking.. leave it to daddy to get her all excited before bed ;-) LOL 

Hugs from Mommy and Kicks from Baby!! Love you!

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Month 5: BELLY

Ok, now we are cookin ;-) All of a sudden this month my belly has grown!! Its now undeniably a baby bump.. strangers are even getting the courage to ask when I am due!! I love it, its fun to actually look pregnant instead of just looking like I forgot to go to the gym for 4 months, hehhehe

This picture was taken today, right before we left for our hospital tour and orientation :D What a fun experience!! We absolutely LOVE the hospital, all the nurses were so nice and informative. They did a great job of walking us through the whole processes of where to park, checking in, what to expect in the labor and delivery room and then the maternity room. We then got to see the rooms we would be in, which are sooo much nicer than we expected!! And my favorite news of the day, as long as I have a normal delivery baby caines receives all care in our room!! yipppeeee, I have been worried about her leaving the room, giving Erik strict instructions to leave me no matter what to be with baby, LOL But to all get to stay together is the BEST!! Yep! I get that I am over the top and crazy and you think that I might want to take advantage of the nursery for sleep.. but I am a first time mom and Im allowed to be a little crazy :D

 Also took theses pics before going to a Halloween party! Bump is a little harder to see in all black, but wanted to show off our cute costumes.. Erik was such a trooper for being my scratching post.. perhaps a little metaphorical of the past 5 months, hehhehe

Erik couldn't let me have all the fun shopping.. this was so cute!! He went to a comic convention with a friend and came back with these, baby caines is already daddy's little princess, I LOVE it :D

Also, other BIG NEWS Erik felt baby caines kick for the first time this AM, it was totally awesome!! She was putting on a little show for him, kicking all morning :D Lazy Sunday morning in bed as family are like the absolute best thing, can't wait for her to join us outside of my belly!!

Have a lovely week!!

Sunday, October 27, 2013


Yipppeee, pink, pink, PINK... We are having a precious little girl! My heart jumps with joy, my excitement can't be contained. Erik is already completely melting at the talk of his little girl :D We are so blessed and so thankful for our wonderful little GIRL :D

This post has been a long time coming, we found out 2 weeks ago and since finding out that baby caines is a girl we have gotten a jump on prepping for her arrival. To get this fun news out there a very rare thing is happening I am up and semi awake after 9pm, crazy, I know!! Once I found out we are having a girl, this whole baby/ becoming a family became more real to me. The arrival of our little girl has me thinking of what kind of mom I want to be... more thoughts on this to come but since I am pretty delirious at the moment I will let others speak for me :-)

May we raise a women of dignity and strength with lots of help from the Lord and our wonderful community of friends and family!!

Thank you for the love you have already and continue to show our little girl even before she is here!! You are a blessing to us!!


Mama + Baby Girl

Sunday, September 29, 2013

His and her celebratory drinks for the finale of #breakingbad!!! With @ecaines #chatterbox #nowhiskyforbaby

via Instagram

Doctor Appointment #3 (Week 17)

This third doctors appointment was last week, so at week 16, and filled with much anticipation.
Our doctor had informed us that we would be able to find out the gender this visit!! We have been so very excited to find out if our little one is a boy or girl :D Our life has enough surprises and unknowns, we have absolutely no desire to add another question mark into the equation of life right now! Haha
I am super lame and was so excited for this doctors appointment I convinced Erik this occasion needed a new outfit, LOL.. yep! I get that there is absolutely only one person that can handle my crazy :D Thank the Lord I found him!! So new outfit on and ready for the big reveal day.. I lay there with the goo on my tummy ready for the big news, Erik right next to me!! Andddd... nothing, well except confirmation that we are not in control and life continues to not happen on our timing, welcome to life, welcome to parenthood ;) We just had to laugh, little baby Caines had its legs crossed and turned away from us the entire time, seriously?!?! Baby Caines, you are your fathers child hehhe ;) Walking into the appointment all we had talked about is how excited we were to find out boy or girl...our poor doctor spent soo long trying and trying to get a glimpse at the goods, being the perfectionist that he is.. he was disappointed and frustrated. It was cool to see him invest so much time and care into trying to give us the fun news. He is not one for small talk, emotion, or comfort but he is incredibly smart, good at what he does and it was nice to see him take the extra time with this appointment :D

Because the doc was so focused on trying to get the right angle to get us our pink or blue answer, our picture this time is kinda funky.. but its still a picture of our baby and makes me swoon every time I look at it :D

Lets recap the hard work Baby Caines has put in:
Week 16
  • the size of an avocado: 4.5 inches long and 3.5 ounces
  • heart is pumping 25 quarts of blood each day
  • finger and toe nails have started to grow
Week 17
  • the size of a sweet potato: 5 inches long and 5 ounces
  • able to move his or her joints!
  • sweat glands are starting to develop
  • adipose tissue has begun to develop, awwwee cute little baby fat
Mommy and Daddy have been doing good, with so much to be thankful for!! Whether boy or girl, dont really care at all, just so happy to hear and see that our baby is healthy and well and growing perfectly!! God is good, and His timing is perfect in every way!

Have a wonderful week!!

Love you!


Fair fun with @ecaines yesterday!! #chatterbox #thankfulwife

via Instagram

Friday, September 20, 2013

Month 4: BELLY

A nice awkward picture with dirty clothes in the background, keepin it real, people!! haha My photographer (Erik) was unavailable for this photo shoot...

This was my first time wearing my maternity skirt, good Lord, maternity clothes are a gift from heaven so stretchy and soft :D 

Definitely growing!!

Update about the 3rd doctor appointment coming soon!!


Mommy and Baby Caines

Friday, September 13, 2013

Week 15

WOW!! Time is flyin!! which is a GREAT sign that I am feeling more like my normal self :D The first couple of months felt a little long because each day felt long and exhausting. But I am LOVIN this whole second trimester energy thing :D In fact, somedays have felt weird because I question if I am pregnant, something that will be undenyable as my belly grows which I am looking forward too!! I still have my tired days, but they are less frequent, annnnd I am in bed by 9pm most nights and take weekend naps.. really trying to enjoy sleep so I can party with the little one all thru the night once she or he arrives,  hhehehe

This past weekend was AWESOME filled with all my favorite things: crafting, walking, baking, pumpkin spice latte, time with family, and some really precious moments with Erik, me and baby.. I love them so so much!!

Worked more on the pregnancy journal, such a fun way to capture all the great moments and to reflect on the joy baby Caines is bringing into our lives.. in the background is my lovely decaf pumpkin spice latte, fall is in full swing at our house, we are no longer acknowledging the 100 degree weather!! :D

In the journal, each trimester the mommy and daddy both write baby a letter, I just finished my first letter.. felt really incredible to sign love mommy for the first time 

Got to do some baking! YAY!! These bars of deliciousness are chocolate chip cookies and smores combined, to celebrate my Mom's birthday! YUMM! 

While we are on the topic of delicious food, lets talk about hard boiled eggs and tuna!! OH YEA! I can not get enough!! Erik thinks I am playing a mean trick on him and only liking the smelliest foods known to man, hahha.. Hang in there Erik I am sure next week will bring and new craving!!

Now lets checkin with the little one, baby has been quite the busy bee!!

WEEK 14:
  • about 3.5 inches and 1.5 ounces, about the size of a lemon
  • facial muscles are getting a workout as baby develops all of its cute facial expressions
  • kidneys are producing urine, yep our little one can now pee 
  • The baby can grasp and suck his/her thumb
  • Legs and arms continue to become more active and movement more refined
  • baby's got bones-- cartilage is slowly starting to form into strong bone
WEEK 15:
  • about 4 inches and 2.5 ounces, about the size of an apple
  • primitive air sacs in the lungs are developing
  • although eyelids are still fused shut, baby can sense light
  • taste buds are forming
  • hair is starting to grow on top of baby's cute little head
Erik and I are counting the days til our next doctor's appointment, next week. To get a glipmse at our little one is our all time favoirite thing in this world :D 

As always, thank you for your calls, e-mails, letters, prayers, and love as our family grows and adjusts to great changes we do not underestimate the importance of each of you in helping to keep our family strong and encouraged!!


Kelly + Baby Caines

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Month 3: BELLY

Starting to get a little baby bump.. YAY :D The only time in life I have been happy to have my tummy get bigger, hehehe. Here's what we got so far..

Hope you all are having a wonderful week!!

Much Love,
Kel + Baby Caines

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Week 13

Hello Second Trimester!! YAY :D

Baby has been quite busy lets catch up on what the little one has been up to in there...
  • almost 3 inches long and weighing in at one ounce the size of a jumbo shrimp or pea pod, your pick, hahaha
  • officially has fingerprints on those precious little fingers
  • has reflexes: fingers opening and closing, mouth making sucking movements, toes will curl, and eye muscles will clench
  • nerve cells are multiplying rapidly, and in the baby's brain, synapses are forming furiously (neuro mama is SO proud :)
  • vocal chords are developing
Keep it up little one!! You are quite busy in there!! Meanwhile Erik and I are keeping very busy preparing for baby's arrival :) Our task last weekend: MAKE SPACE!! 

For at least the first few months baby will be sharing our room :-) Yippeee, sleepovers every night!!

The baby now has half of the closet :D How cute and TINY do those onesies look?!?! I got a little emotional hanging these up.. there are moments when it hits me that there will be a little person here with us soon, this was one of those sweet moments

 Little reading corner for baby :)

 Even my toes are baby ready!! 
Get ready people its only gonna get cheesier from here, LOL. I mean, now I have an EXCUSE to be completely corny.. you know, cuz I'm a mom and its for the kids, hahaha think seasonal sweaters, yep!! Thats where we are headed, so buckle in, and dont say I didnt warn you, hehhe

Have a great week!!

Love and hugs!!

Friday, August 23, 2013

Doctor Appointment #2 (week 11)

The next big date: AUGUST 19th

It is so funny how much we look forward to going to the doctor now! That is definitely new for Erik, I am super weird and kind of like going to the doctor, hahaha but the anticipation around these doctor appointments has tipped the scales, like better than Disneyland!! I know CRAZY!!

Erik is already the best daddy and has gone into work super early in order to be able to join the doctor appointments, it so much more special with him there!! 

First the boring stuff, pee in a cup, weight, I have gained four pounds... I will start belly pictures when I feel like I have something to show, right now it just looks like I have been hitting the doughnuts too hard, haha but its just enough that my jeans feel pretty uncomfortable.. anywayyyss tangent :-/ and then got my blood drawn for prenatal screen. 

Then the fun part, what we have been waiting for!! We got to see our baby :D The ENTIRE time, our little one was waving and kicking!! It was the cutest thing ever, I feel like Baby Caines was putting on a little show for us :D Little thing got themselves so worked up, and the heartbeat was 160bpm, which is totally normal when the baby is moving around that much, hehhehe little baby Caines gave themselves a workout!! 

Again another indescribable moment, Erik held my hand and we enjoyed that moment as a family! WOW!! Answer to prayer, our baby is right on track and growing like crazy!! Our little one went from a blueberry to a lime :D A lime that is, with arms and hand and legs and feet!!! Erik and I are completely captivated by this little one and thank God everyday for this new addition to our family!!

Me and baby are doin GREAT!! This is the best I have felt all pregnancy, Horrayyy!! 

TGIF from me and baby, have a great weekend, we will chat again soon :D


I am 12 weeks pregnant and feelin GREAT :D The baby is doin wonderfully and Erik has almost survived the first trimester, LOL

Its so fun to finally be able to share this news here on Chatterbox, I finally have the energy to get off the  couch, hooorrrayyy!!

Lets go back a little bit, so I can fill you all in on the fun details :D

Erik and I found out this exciting news June 30th via home pregnancy test, we were shocked, excited, and continue to feel incredibly blessed. The next day I made a doctor appointment, our obstetrician likes to wait until 7-8 weeks for the first appointment. Soooo we anxiously awaited July 22nd to make this baby feel real. The only true conformation of the baby we had was.. well, me :D I was not quite myself, I pretty much did not want to do anything!! Nothing sounded fun, Erik would tempt me with me favorite activities: walks, going for yogurt, etc. and I was just crazy exhausted. It was super weird, I have never spent so much time with Netflix, we became BFFs. hahaha Erik and I were definitely excited but at the same time all we had to go by was a line on a pee stick? Soo we were also wondering if this was true?! 

Then it was finally JULY 22!! We got to see our baby! ITS TRUE!! THIS IS REAL! WE ARE HAVING A BABY!! Our baby was the size of a blueberry and at one glance we were completely in love with our new family member. 

(already added to my pregnancy journal)

Then it got even better from there, we heard the baby's heartbeat. At 150 bpm, it was the most wonderful sound, at that moment we were fully aware of the miracle that was taking place. Our blueberry has a heartbeat?! God, you never cease to amaze me!!! We could have listened to that sound forever, it was beautiful.

The baby's due date is MARCH 5th. Love that time of year, and cant wait to meet our little one. 

The next really fun step was sharing with all our family and friends :D We also realized, that you guys not knowing was making it hard to believe we were really having a baby. As we began to share our special news, the baby became more real. Part of our joy in life is to share our lives with all of you!! Each person we told made us feel so special and made us realize the incredible amounts of love and support this baby has already!! Thank you for making this time so special and for the way you care for our family. Some of our favorite memories are the wonderful reactions our loved ones had as we shared the news :D This baby is already covered in TONS of prayer, which means more to us than you will ever know!!

My goal is to keep the updates comin so you all can share in this fun time with us :D


Your very own Chatterbox + Baby

Sunday, June 9, 2013


As you have seen, by the last couple of posts, we have been on the go go go!! Which has been FUN! We have also celebrated several birthdays, many of our favorite people were born in the spring!! We also got to celebrate Mothers Day and are getting ready for Father's Day!

Today offers a much needed day of rest, and day to check-in, reflect, and be thankful.. Today I am filled with an overwhelming sense of gratefulness, spending time with friends and family lately has made me so thankful for your love and support. Working in the hospital, seeing people without loved ones surrounding them is humbling and awakening. So many times I have prayed and thanked the Lord for each of you!

I am also thankful for my job, have I even mentioned my job here on chatterbox?! This past year was a huge transition. Honestly, I was just in survival mode, get thru each day, do my best, and try to have a life outside of work where I wasn't obessessing over how to be better for my patients.

Having people trust me with their health/ well being/ mobility/ function is HEAVY! BUT its also the greatest gift, incredibly humbling, incredibly rewarding and I treasure the relationships I share with EACH of my patients. I pray for them, I sweat with them, I cry and laugh with them. I am deeply invested in the well being of my patients and I am continually blessed by their grace, wisdom and kindness as they deal with this crazy chatterbox ;D

I also have/am (continual process) learned (better)/ learning the art of being full invested in my work and being fully present for my patients while still being able to be fully present at home and enjoy my time with Erik. Today is a day that I am fully aware that I married my best friend.

So in a hectic world, I take a moment to pause today and thank God for this life and more important than the circumstances are the people in my life!!

Happy Sunday!


Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Im BACK!!! and ready to CHAT!!!

hi hi

Where does the time go my friends?!?! Things have been good and busy, you know that feeling when it feels like life is in fast motion, like I am watching the days whiz pass me unable to fully embrace any one moment?? Just go with my over dramatic explanation here, it will make me feel better ;-) hahahha.. I am trying to take some quiet days to get caught up on some every day stuff, laundry, cleaning, having a quiet moment.. I find if I don't intentionally plan moments to slow down they don't happen, because, it is always tempting to go, go, go because I don't want to miss out on anything fun... case in point growing up ( and maybe still now ;) I would (do) go to the bathroom as quickly as possible, I made it a speed sport and would sometimes not even close the door all the way because I didnt want to miss out if something fun happened, LOL.. well now that I have rambled and over-shared, I feel back to my old self :D Check out some pictures to see what us Caines  have been doin!!!

The Pasadena half marathon was AWESOME!!! Being able to run through the streets of old town was my favorite part! And even better than that, I had my own roadie, Erik was able to ride his bike on the sidewalk for the whole race, it was so cool looking over and seeing him with me, we made jokes and he was super encouraging which made the race go by much faster than expected :D
Check out the pictures here:
Half Marathon Pictures

We also went to see Wicked!!! Such an incredible day date, started with incredible food and then the show was absolutely spectacular, I feel in LOVE!! Totally exceeded my expectations!!
Check out the pictures here:
WICKED Pictures

And last but definitely not least we had an incredible, freaking wonderful, funnest ever road trip to New  Mexico!! Our friends Joey and Dionne live there, it was so fun to get to spend time with them, they were incredible hosts and spoiled us to death, not complaining ;-) They both work for this little show, called Breaking Bad, that Erik and I are kinda (totally) obsessed with, here is your proof: Breaking Bad Joey and Dionne fulfilled our biggest Breaking Bad dreams, we got to walk all over the set and go the the wrap party and hang with all our favs!! Really, really super amazing!! Thank you Joey and Dionne!! On the way home from New Mexico we stopped by the Grand Canyon, absolutely breathtaking!! Such a wonderful trip and perfect getaway :D

New Mexico Trip

Hope you all are having a fantabulous week!!!

With Love, chatterbox ;-)

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Saturday Goodness!!

From the previous post, you saw a glimpse into our typical Friday night.. dinner and drinks,  we dream about this night all week and we usually save our most exciting ( in my case exagerrated ;) stories from our week to share Friday night! Its the best :D Sushi and sake was a great, great way to end the week! 

And now onto my new,  most favorite Saturday Morning ritual, one I am pretty sure I will never give up! LAZY saturday mornings.. I used to always wake up and right away had to do SOMETHING this usually included a long walk or going to the gym, I have a good 2-3 hours to entertain myself while Erik is still sleeping on Saturdays. Now every Saturday I look forward to a comfy blanket, coffee, and t.v time.. ultimate relaxation. I have mostly started this tradition to watch Parenthood, an incredible, incredible show that EVERYONE must watch!! A Very heartfelt and family- oriented show! 

 Banana + Peanut Butter + Honey = Perfection and my breakfast for the past week straight!! YUM!

My exercise gets pushed back due to my lazy morning, which has worked out just fine! Erik asked me how I thought the half marathon is going to be this weekend, My response: I am unsure about the running but I have a supper cute outfit, hahaha, Priorities people! I stay true to my roots..the first sport I played was soccer.. I was happy to be with people, I was excited for the bow I got to wear in my team colors, and I always NEEDED to know what the snack was... Twenty years later I am excited to be out with people doing something active, I am supper happy to wear my new running outfit, and I have been planning where Erik is gonna take me to lunch after the race for weeks ;) YEP! 

The saddest part about this picture is that my outfit looks way too blue, trust me when I say its bright purple :D

Also found an awesome pair of matching shoes at Kohls!!! Don't know if I will wear them for race day because that would be breaking the cardinal rule, don't try anything new on the big day.. but the shoes I have been training with.. don't match, BIG dilemma

My impulse buy at Kohls!! New keds :D so cute!! 
And as we see lighting is everything to faking a tan ;)

After my 9 mile run I decided to see what all the hype was about fresh veggie/ fruit juice.. the taste was interesting, but I have to admit I did get what felt like a veggie high.. the only way I can explain it is drinking it felt replenishing!!

Then onto the good stuff, delicious lunch date with Erik. Corner Bakery has it goin on!!

And that is why Saturday is my all time favorite day, I could repeat the same exact day every Saturday and be lovin life!!

Wish me luck I will be back with an up date after race day!!