Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Saturday Goodness!!

From the previous post, you saw a glimpse into our typical Friday night.. dinner and drinks,  we dream about this night all week and we usually save our most exciting ( in my case exagerrated ;) stories from our week to share Friday night! Its the best :D Sushi and sake was a great, great way to end the week! 

And now onto my new,  most favorite Saturday Morning ritual, one I am pretty sure I will never give up! LAZY saturday mornings.. I used to always wake up and right away had to do SOMETHING this usually included a long walk or going to the gym, I have a good 2-3 hours to entertain myself while Erik is still sleeping on Saturdays. Now every Saturday I look forward to a comfy blanket, coffee, and t.v time.. ultimate relaxation. I have mostly started this tradition to watch Parenthood, an incredible, incredible show that EVERYONE must watch!! A Very heartfelt and family- oriented show! 

 Banana + Peanut Butter + Honey = Perfection and my breakfast for the past week straight!! YUM!

My exercise gets pushed back due to my lazy morning, which has worked out just fine! Erik asked me how I thought the half marathon is going to be this weekend, My response: I am unsure about the running but I have a supper cute outfit, hahaha, Priorities people! I stay true to my roots..the first sport I played was soccer.. I was happy to be with people, I was excited for the bow I got to wear in my team colors, and I always NEEDED to know what the snack was... Twenty years later I am excited to be out with people doing something active, I am supper happy to wear my new running outfit, and I have been planning where Erik is gonna take me to lunch after the race for weeks ;) YEP! 

The saddest part about this picture is that my outfit looks way too blue, trust me when I say its bright purple :D

Also found an awesome pair of matching shoes at Kohls!!! Don't know if I will wear them for race day because that would be breaking the cardinal rule, don't try anything new on the big day.. but the shoes I have been training with.. don't match, BIG dilemma

My impulse buy at Kohls!! New keds :D so cute!! 
And as we see lighting is everything to faking a tan ;)

After my 9 mile run I decided to see what all the hype was about fresh veggie/ fruit juice.. the taste was interesting, but I have to admit I did get what felt like a veggie high.. the only way I can explain it is drinking it felt replenishing!!

Then onto the good stuff, delicious lunch date with Erik. Corner Bakery has it goin on!!

And that is why Saturday is my all time favorite day, I could repeat the same exact day every Saturday and be lovin life!!

Wish me luck I will be back with an up date after race day!!