Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Week 13

Hello Second Trimester!! YAY :D

Baby has been quite busy lets catch up on what the little one has been up to in there...
  • almost 3 inches long and weighing in at one ounce the size of a jumbo shrimp or pea pod, your pick, hahaha
  • officially has fingerprints on those precious little fingers
  • has reflexes: fingers opening and closing, mouth making sucking movements, toes will curl, and eye muscles will clench
  • nerve cells are multiplying rapidly, and in the baby's brain, synapses are forming furiously (neuro mama is SO proud :)
  • vocal chords are developing
Keep it up little one!! You are quite busy in there!! Meanwhile Erik and I are keeping very busy preparing for baby's arrival :) Our task last weekend: MAKE SPACE!! 

For at least the first few months baby will be sharing our room :-) Yippeee, sleepovers every night!!

The baby now has half of the closet :D How cute and TINY do those onesies look?!?! I got a little emotional hanging these up.. there are moments when it hits me that there will be a little person here with us soon, this was one of those sweet moments

 Little reading corner for baby :)

 Even my toes are baby ready!! 
Get ready people its only gonna get cheesier from here, LOL. I mean, now I have an EXCUSE to be completely corny.. you know, cuz I'm a mom and its for the kids, hahaha think seasonal sweaters, yep!! Thats where we are headed, so buckle in, and dont say I didnt warn you, hehhe

Have a great week!!

Love and hugs!!

Friday, August 23, 2013

Doctor Appointment #2 (week 11)

The next big date: AUGUST 19th

It is so funny how much we look forward to going to the doctor now! That is definitely new for Erik, I am super weird and kind of like going to the doctor, hahaha but the anticipation around these doctor appointments has tipped the scales, like better than Disneyland!! I know CRAZY!!

Erik is already the best daddy and has gone into work super early in order to be able to join the doctor appointments, it so much more special with him there!! 

First the boring stuff, pee in a cup, weight, I have gained four pounds... I will start belly pictures when I feel like I have something to show, right now it just looks like I have been hitting the doughnuts too hard, haha but its just enough that my jeans feel pretty uncomfortable.. anywayyyss tangent :-/ and then got my blood drawn for prenatal screen. 

Then the fun part, what we have been waiting for!! We got to see our baby :D The ENTIRE time, our little one was waving and kicking!! It was the cutest thing ever, I feel like Baby Caines was putting on a little show for us :D Little thing got themselves so worked up, and the heartbeat was 160bpm, which is totally normal when the baby is moving around that much, hehhehe little baby Caines gave themselves a workout!! 

Again another indescribable moment, Erik held my hand and we enjoyed that moment as a family! WOW!! Answer to prayer, our baby is right on track and growing like crazy!! Our little one went from a blueberry to a lime :D A lime that is, with arms and hand and legs and feet!!! Erik and I are completely captivated by this little one and thank God everyday for this new addition to our family!!

Me and baby are doin GREAT!! This is the best I have felt all pregnancy, Horrayyy!! 

TGIF from me and baby, have a great weekend, we will chat again soon :D


I am 12 weeks pregnant and feelin GREAT :D The baby is doin wonderfully and Erik has almost survived the first trimester, LOL

Its so fun to finally be able to share this news here on Chatterbox, I finally have the energy to get off the  couch, hooorrrayyy!!

Lets go back a little bit, so I can fill you all in on the fun details :D

Erik and I found out this exciting news June 30th via home pregnancy test, we were shocked, excited, and continue to feel incredibly blessed. The next day I made a doctor appointment, our obstetrician likes to wait until 7-8 weeks for the first appointment. Soooo we anxiously awaited July 22nd to make this baby feel real. The only true conformation of the baby we had was.. well, me :D I was not quite myself, I pretty much did not want to do anything!! Nothing sounded fun, Erik would tempt me with me favorite activities: walks, going for yogurt, etc. and I was just crazy exhausted. It was super weird, I have never spent so much time with Netflix, we became BFFs. hahaha Erik and I were definitely excited but at the same time all we had to go by was a line on a pee stick? Soo we were also wondering if this was true?! 

Then it was finally JULY 22!! We got to see our baby! ITS TRUE!! THIS IS REAL! WE ARE HAVING A BABY!! Our baby was the size of a blueberry and at one glance we were completely in love with our new family member. 

(already added to my pregnancy journal)

Then it got even better from there, we heard the baby's heartbeat. At 150 bpm, it was the most wonderful sound, at that moment we were fully aware of the miracle that was taking place. Our blueberry has a heartbeat?! God, you never cease to amaze me!!! We could have listened to that sound forever, it was beautiful.

The baby's due date is MARCH 5th. Love that time of year, and cant wait to meet our little one. 

The next really fun step was sharing with all our family and friends :D We also realized, that you guys not knowing was making it hard to believe we were really having a baby. As we began to share our special news, the baby became more real. Part of our joy in life is to share our lives with all of you!! Each person we told made us feel so special and made us realize the incredible amounts of love and support this baby has already!! Thank you for making this time so special and for the way you care for our family. Some of our favorite memories are the wonderful reactions our loved ones had as we shared the news :D This baby is already covered in TONS of prayer, which means more to us than you will ever know!!

My goal is to keep the updates comin so you all can share in this fun time with us :D


Your very own Chatterbox + Baby