Sunday, June 9, 2013


As you have seen, by the last couple of posts, we have been on the go go go!! Which has been FUN! We have also celebrated several birthdays, many of our favorite people were born in the spring!! We also got to celebrate Mothers Day and are getting ready for Father's Day!

Today offers a much needed day of rest, and day to check-in, reflect, and be thankful.. Today I am filled with an overwhelming sense of gratefulness, spending time with friends and family lately has made me so thankful for your love and support. Working in the hospital, seeing people without loved ones surrounding them is humbling and awakening. So many times I have prayed and thanked the Lord for each of you!

I am also thankful for my job, have I even mentioned my job here on chatterbox?! This past year was a huge transition. Honestly, I was just in survival mode, get thru each day, do my best, and try to have a life outside of work where I wasn't obessessing over how to be better for my patients.

Having people trust me with their health/ well being/ mobility/ function is HEAVY! BUT its also the greatest gift, incredibly humbling, incredibly rewarding and I treasure the relationships I share with EACH of my patients. I pray for them, I sweat with them, I cry and laugh with them. I am deeply invested in the well being of my patients and I am continually blessed by their grace, wisdom and kindness as they deal with this crazy chatterbox ;D

I also have/am (continual process) learned (better)/ learning the art of being full invested in my work and being fully present for my patients while still being able to be fully present at home and enjoy my time with Erik. Today is a day that I am fully aware that I married my best friend.

So in a hectic world, I take a moment to pause today and thank God for this life and more important than the circumstances are the people in my life!!

Happy Sunday!
